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![Memberwell mock-up](/inc/img/Memberwell_Logo.png)
The world’s leading health engagement solution
![Memberwell mock-up](/inc/img/MW-mockup-01.jpg)
MemberWell SaaS combines Health Intelligence (Hi.) Technologies with behavior-based engagement services to improve quality measures and lower healthcare costs.
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About Us
Finity is a health technology & services company serving the Medicaid, Medicare, and commercial health care markets
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Why Finity
Finity provides the world’s leading health engagement solutions. We have a proven ROI, cost savings, & quality improvement
MemberWell Video
Solution Results
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1Participation is defined as members who are actively engaged in the program and complete at least one reward activity.
2Average percent of HEDIS® measure activities showing compliance improvement for participants compared to nonparticipants.
3Total cost of care savings for participants from a Medicaid population of approx. 700K over six years.
Featured White Papers
Recent Press
![pregnant woman](/inc/img/press_babysmart_1150.jpg)
How Smart Technology
Can Address Maternal Health
BabySmart featured in the Sam Says Podcast Series
Finity CEO Deborah Stewart chats with Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans (IAMHP) CEO Samantha Olds Frey about the BabySmart program and the role smart technology can play in improving maternal health outcomes.
Incentive Program Success
NY State DOH ranks the Medicaid Quality Incentive Program #1
Care related to diabetes, hypertension, substance abuse disorders, and mental illness scored above 90% of state benchmarks.
![city scene](/inc/img/press_mp_incentivesuccess_1150.jpg)
Recent Press
How Smart Technology
Can Address Maternal Health
BabySmart featured in the Sam Says Podcast Series
![pregnant woman](/inc/img/press_babysmart_1150.jpg)
Finity CEO Deborah Stewart chats with Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans (IAMHP) CEO Samantha Olds Frey about the BabySmart program and the role smart technology can play in improving maternal health outcomes.
Incentive Program Success
NY State DOH ranks the Medicaid Quality Incentive Program #1
![city scene](/inc/img/press_mp_incentivesuccess_1150.jpg)
Care related to diabetes, hypertension, substance abuse disorders, and mental illness scored above 90% of state benchmarks.
Let’s Connect!
phone iconCall 1-800-509-1346 to schedule a demo today!