MemberWell SaaS is your member engagement and rewards solution

Members are engaged through multimedia and are motivated to complete healthy activities that improve quality measures. MemberWell SaaS is an integrated platform that engages members, payors, providers, and state Medicaid agencies.
Solution Results
Average Member Participation1

Compliance Improvement2

Cost of Care Savings3

1Participation is defined as members who are actively engaged in the program and complete at least one reward activity.
2Average percent of HEDIS® measure activities showing compliance improvement for participants compared to nonparticipants.
3Total cost of care savings for participants from a Medicaid population of approx. 700K over six years.

Memberwell SaaS has a proven ROI in cost savings, quality improvement, & retention

MemberWell SaaS provides members, patients, and employees with highly personalized health engagement, activities, and rewards. It provides health plans, state Medicaid agencies, providers, and employers with comprehensive aggregate and member-level analytics and reporting. MemberWell SaaS is the most effective engagement software platform in the health care industry.
Download SpecificationsProgram Components

Multimedia & call center outreach is linked to outcomes to evolve behavior profiles.

LifeTracks provide members personalized health, financial, & SDOH resources.

Interoperable member, health plan, provider, & state portals are HITRUST certified.

Gamified, points-based rewards motivate members to complete HEDIS® & wellness activities.

Wellness challenge apps are linked to HEDIS® measures and healthy activities.

Predictive analytics empower the next right activity & engagement to members.

Finity’s 4E Behavior Change Methodology

MemberWell is based on Finity’s proprietary 4E behavior change methodology. The 4E methodology has been tested & evolved with millions of individuals around the world for over 2 decades in both the health care and financial services industries.